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Case Studies

PTT Connects First Responders When Radios Fail in Hurricane Response

Here’s What You Should Know

1. Due to Hurricane Harvey’s catastrophic damage, emergency responders had no way of using their radios to communicate with one another.

2. Before radio towers were repaired, cellular networks deployed cells on wheels, allowing mobile connectivity.

3. First responders used Tango Tango to conduct emergency communications via cellular phones.

PTT is crucial for first responders in disasters.

On August 25th, 2017, category 4 Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast, devastating all infrastructure and knocking out the 800 radio system. Due to the catastrophic damage, emergency responders were unable to communicate with one another. 

Although radio infrastructure would be down for over two months, cellular service became available within two days. Cellular networks were quick to deploy cells on wheels (COWs), allowing for connectivity and data. Still, communication through the 800 radio system was down. As public safety leaders searched for a solution, emergency responders relied on loaner radios for communication. 

The Aransas Pass Police Department was able to use Tango Tango to conduct emergency communications via cellular phones. Through Tango Tango, the emergency responders maintain communication with their command post and provide emergency communication solutions when radio towers were inoperable. Cellular providers are sensitive to the communication needs of those recovering from disaster and are eager to show their customers they are there when it matters most. The consistent deployment of COWs not only helps residents but can be leaned on more by responders who are working day and night to support recovery efforts. 

“Tango Tango gives us the ability to leverage the tools everybody has. . . We always have a means to communicate more so than we ever did before.”

Eric Blanchard
Chief of Police | Aransas Pass Police Department, TX

See where Tango Tango was a huge asset to another natural disaster when Hurricane Michael revealed response shortfalls.

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